Just be You
Have you ever meet someone and just admire them for being “them” ? It is so refreshing when you surround yourself with people who are completely themselves and do not try to being something or someone else. This mom has some pretty awesome qualities. Not only is she amazing at juggling life with 3 kids but she is one of the kindest people I know. She is always so up beat and positive. You can just see the love she has for her babies and she just radiates and glows from within.
In a world were we seem compare ourselves more than ever to everyone else and what is popular or the “in” thing to have or look like I have tried to make is a priority to just be me and not morf into something I am not both personally and professionally. I know being true to yourself, genuine and honest are the best traits to have. I never thought I would grow so much as a person in my photography journey. I thank my clients for part of that. The other part is just getting older and wiser I suppose. I am going to try to keep up on my blogging this summer. In the meantime I will just be here being me!